Visual: The critical need for accessible diagnostics worldwide

🌍 Latin America, 🌏 Asia, and 🌍 Africa are still far behind in accessible diagnostics 🏥 It’s time to bridge the gap! 🌟

The necessity is clear. A glance at this world map reveals a stark contrast in diagnostic accessibility, with Latin America, Asia, and Africa lagging significantly behind.

These statistics highlight the critical need for accessible diagnostics worldwide. Compared to Western standards, diagnostic services remain out of reach for many hospitals and patients in these regions. In many of these countries only between 0 and 2.5 MRI scanners are available per 1 million people.

It’s a reminder of the urgent need to bridge this gap and ensure that quality healthcare is available to all, regardless of geography.

Source: IMAGINE – MRI units (per 1 mil), International Atomic Energy Agency

Critical need for accessible diagnostics worldwide


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