
Accessible diagnostics

For healthy people

Accessible diagnostics for everyone count for more healthy people.
Healthy people are more productive and contribute to society, enabling a better future and a better world.

Diagnostics for everyone

Better world

Unleash the power of accessible diagnostics for everyone. How impacted would the world be if everyone has access to diagnostic care and subsequent medical treatment?  

The potential is huge. For example, there are only 3,6 MRI per million in Latin America and Caribbean. Compared to 14 in Europe and 19 for OECD countries.

Social impact (sdg#3)

Good health and well-being

Economic return

More scans, higher profit

Without initial costs, but with a long-term commitment and a minimum scan volume, hospitals benefit from every scan they make from the start. The more scans they make the higher their profit. For hospitals pay-per-use gives a sustainable margin.

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